About this website.
This website was born out of frustration at not knowing my rights or how the court system worked. Since my childhood I always understood the common law to be simple and that it was supposed to protect my rights. However, when I started to investigate how the system actually worked; instead of being simple the common law seemed to become more and more complicated. I knew I was missing something but didn't know what.
Doing further investigation I found what I thought to be common law; was actually a system established at the time of Magna Carta called English Common Law now practised by Barristers and Lawyers. This system I found to be a type and shadow of the real common law that is commercial in nature born out of trading principles previously established in the middle ages by the merchant guilds of Florence and Venice.
Gathering more information together I became aware that judges, judicial officers and members of the public service are only obligated to recognise things communicated when specific language is used and in a proper manner. This led me to becoming acutely aware of my own failings as far as the English language is concerned and to start to collect and collate all the notes I had taken and words I had been researching into this website.