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Many hours have gone into developing, researching and maintaining this website. To assist with this work I ask that you donate generously using bit coin at the link below. The large majority of donations will be directed toward needy people from the province of Laguna in the Philippines. These people because of COVID restrictions and recent flooding have little or no food, and in many cases their shelters have been washed away. For the most part they are content with little, and ask only for enough to be supplied with materials for re-building Nippa Huts; for their food and clothing and for toiletries.

Discretion not withstanding in terms of privacy; if you wish to be updated about who is receiving assistance please use the Contact Form and I will send back as much information as I can about what your donation was used for. Understanding that many NGO's use the large majority of what they receive for administrative costs you can rest assured that 98% of the money you donate will benefit directly those who are most in need. Thank you for your generosity.